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Adult Education at St. Matthew's

The mission of Adult Education at St. Matthew's is to provide opportunities for spiritual and intellectual growth. We offer Bible studies, book clubs, Education for Ministry, and host programs promoting Christian and spiritual formation. We welcome suggestions from the parish for programs or studies.






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We invite you to join us for Sunday adult educational forums at St. Matthew's Cathedral at 9am. We will meet in the undercorft (downstairs at the Cathedral) and end at 9:45, so that we can make our way to Holy Eucharist at 10am in the Cathedral. 

These forums will focus on Christian education and spiritual formation, and will include a diverse array of topics, speakers, and activities. 






Forum Schedule:


October 9th -St. Matthew's Sacred Bundle Project â€‹


October 16th- Br. James Dowd Br. James Dowd will be visiting us from the Benedictine Way & the Benedictine Service Corps in Omaha, Nebraska. Br. James will talk with us about the benefits of monasticism and meditation.


October 23rd- The Via Media

This forum will focus on the history of the English Reformation and its influence on the Episcopal Church in the United States. In particular, we will consider the centrality of the via media — or “middle way” between religious extremes — in Anglican history and contemporary Episcopal identity.


October 30th- Faith and Politics in American Democracy

As Election Day approaches, we invite reflection on the various ways faith shapes our values and how our values guide political engagement during the Adult Forum. This conversation is not so much about how you vote as it is what matters to you when (or if) you do. Within this context, we also will consider the historical relationship between religion and politics in the United States and examine our own understandings of what we think the proper relationship is or should be in our society today.


November 6th- An Excavated Synagogue from Jesus’ Time w/ Dr. Paul Flesher 



If you would like more information about our Adult Education programs, please telephone the cathedral or be in touch with our Parish Administrator at email: 

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