Canterbury Fellowship Wyo
An inclusive community for college student and young professionals
Practicing the way of love through inclusive community in Laramie, Wyoming.
Canterbury Fellowship is an Episcopal ministry for college students and young professionals (college-aged through- 30s). Our meetings are every Tuesday at 6:00pm during the academic year. Come join us!
Join us
​Visit our website at
Canterbury House
110 S. 9th Street
Laramie, Wyoming
If you have any questions about Canterbury Fellowship, follow us on Instagram (@canterburywyo), Facebook (Canterbury WYO), or contact us at

Our Mission
Canterbury Fellowship is a campus and young adult ministry that seeks to unify all people with God and each other in Christ. We fulfill this mission through our communal worship, acts of service and promotion of justice, peace, and inclusion.
Our History
For decades, Canterbury Fellowship has served as a welcoming and inclusive group where young adults in the Laramie community can grow in their faith and spirituality. We meet regularly every Tuesday at 7 PM where we have dinner, hang out, listen to speakers, learn more about Christianity and what it means to follow Christ, and conclude with an evening worship.
Canterbury House is owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming, and we often work with the congregation of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Cathedral. Though, in practicing our mission of inclusivity and love, we welcome all! We’ve had speakers from several spiritual backgrounds, including Latter Day Saints missionaries and Buddhist monks.
This ministry is devoted to serving our Cowboy community by advocating and volunteering our time and talents. We often work with and learn from local non-profits like The Clothing Cottage, Interfaith-Good Samaritan, and Laramie Soup Kitchen, which encourage members to commit their lives in faithful service to others.
If you have any questions about Canterbury House, send us a message or an email or stop by and see us on Tuesday!

Our Community Garden
Whether it be growing, preparing or eating, all matter of work surrounding food is a sacred, spiritual act. We know this as the fundamental piece of our communal worship, being centered around the Eucharistic meal, and when we receive the Body and Blood, we are renewed by “the holy food and drink of new and unending life in him.” We collectively meet our humanity through our dependence on food, and thus all consumption of food becomes a liturgical practice. Episcopal priest Nurya Love-Parish of Plainsong Farm in Michigan writes on her website, the Christian Food Movement, “When we eat, we acknowledge our complete dependence on God. We recognize our mutual dependence with all Creation.”
Through the spiritual practice of cultivating and deepening our relationship with the land, this student-led ministry fulfills an engaging and educational opportunity for young adults and community members alike in food-related environmental, health, and economic issues facing our city, state, nation, and world. We currently offer 10 boxes at the Canterbury House that are offered first to young adults and University of Wyoming students that are then opened up to the Laramie community after our primary deadline of May 1st.

Canterbury Leadership
My name is Allen Doyle and I am the new Director of Campus Ministries for the Episcopal Church in Wyoming. That means I will be taking over Jordan Bishop's role at Canterbury Fellowship here in Laramie, and will be assisting our parishes across the Diocese in establishing Campus Ministries at each of our Community Colleges across the state.
I have been up in Cody the past 3 years where I served as the Founding Director of the Wyoming Service Corps (our Episcopal Service Corps program) and as the Youth Coordinator for the Diocese. I have a passion for Young Adult and Campus Ministries, with much of my own call to ministry stemming from my time as a college student in Alabama.
I am so excited to be here in Laramie and look forward to meeting each of you! We will be sure to update you all regularly with the comings and goings of the Canterbury Fellowship as we approach the start of the Fall Semester.