
Committee Members:
Taimi Kuiva, Chair (
Charlie DeWolf (
Maggie Glos (
Marilyn Engstrom (
Jeff Bell, Vestry Liaison
Jessica Reynolds, Diocesan Ad Hoc
We embrace the idea that “Properly taught, the idea of stewardship can become a means of grace.”
(From the Episcopal Dictionary and quoted in Transforming Stewardship by C.K. Robertson.)
We strive to have our prayers, thoughts and activities reflect this premise. This year, we are reflecting the TENS theme of “More Than Enough.”
We began this Stewardship season by asking the congregation questions that would begin to whet their appetites for self-reflection and sharing. The questions and selected answers are revealed below.
Next, we will be using a poetry rubric and inviting members write a poem about how they belong at St. Matthew’s.
On September 9, we mail the poetry rubric to the congregation along with a letter signed by the Vestry.
Download the Poetry Project Rubric Here
A second activity will ask the parishioners to share items that might go into a sacred bundle that would remind us of our core values. The bundle will continue to be used throughout the year, as appropriate.
During October, several speakers will share their experiences on different topics that will continue to stimulate the congregation to ponder the different aspects of Stewardship at St. Matthew’s Cathedral.
The committee will communicate with the congregation through email, websites, announcements before service, hard copy mailings, and personal phone calls.
This year’s Stewardship campaign will be celebrated on Nov 13th.

In the coming months, we will be developing a year-round program, but for the immediate future, here are some important dates:
September 9, we mail the poetry rubric to the congregation along with a letter signed by the Vestry.
September 11, the poetry rubric will be announced to the congregation.
September 25, poems will be shared at the forum.
On September 25, the Sacred Bundle will be introduced.
October 2, there will be small group discussions around the Sacred Bundle at the forum.
October 9, we will visit our early experiences with money – during announcements.
October 16, our thinking will revolve around a time something was shed (or given up) for the greater good that perhaps led to something surprising/beneficial-during announcements.
October 19, a letter from the Treasurer and Chair of the Stewardship Committee will be mailed to members that reflect where we are in the budget, where we spend our dollars, etc.
October 23, we will see what giving looks like at St. Matthew’s-during announcements.
October 25, the invitation to the Celebration goes out with an RSVP for November 1st.
October 30, we will highlight “other” giving such as the Soup Kitchen, the Clothing Cottage, Prayers and Squares etc. at St. Matthew’s and in the greater Laramie community-during announcements.

Here are some of the things we said about what brings us joy, what we treasure, hope for and contribute at St. Matthew’s. All of the answers we received are posted in the church, or we can email you a copy.
Jordan – insert link to rubric
What brings you joy?
-Beautiful Laramie mornings
-Small children and small animals
-Beauty in nature
-Sunrises and sunsets
-Toddler's laughter
-Music of our souls
What do you treasure at St. Matthew's Cathedral?
-Worship service with others in a beautiful historic place that reaches out to community through Soup Kitchen, Clothing Cottage, Concerts/Recitals, Prayers and Squares
-The sounds of young children in church; they are our future and God’s favored lambs
-Feeling of God’s presence when I’m in this beautiful church
-The community of people and the way the church helps the community of Laramie
-A safe place of worship for so many people
-Sense of community
-The sermons, scripture readings, music, communion service; timeless liturgy
-Sharing of God’ Word and his Spirit
How can you be a part of stewardship in the coming months?
-Offer my gifts and knowledge when appropriate and physically able
without complaint, criticism, or longing for the way things used to be
-Talk with someone new to me, each week
-I have always felt “our” block offers everything: food, clothing, and spiritual substance. For me, stewardship is about how we appear to people in the community. Do the grounds look well-tended and inviting? Do they extend an invitation to come into the Cathedral and see what is inviting and nourishing on the inside? Stewardship for me is doing what I am able to make appealing to passersby; a silent invitation to be a part of “it”, us.
-Servanthood in many ways
-Help to maintain the physical appearance of the Cathedral and grounds
-Generously gives time and talents to the varied activities
-In retirement I have the time to volunteer in areas I can share my talents. Being part of the community warms my heart. What a Blessing!
What do you hope for St. Matthew’s as we move into the future?
-That we build a thriving community that supports people within our church and within Laramie
-To thrive. Not just survive. Using our time, talents, and treasures to grow/reach and serve others
-That St. Matthew’s become an example and teacher of excellent liturgy that is creative, while honoring tradition; that involves many members in various roles (multiple readers, acolytes, eucharistic ministers, greeters, vergers, thurifers, pray-ers, writers, singers, players); that is known for inspirational music and transformational preaching. The flagship of the Diocese where others can experience the very best of liturgy that informs how to live faithfully in the world.
-To thrive. Not just survive. Using our time, talents, and treasures to grow/reach and serve others
-Growing in joy, love, peace, and people
-More involvement of more people in liturgy and outreach ministries
-That we build a thriving community that supports people within our church and within Laramie