The Clergy at St. Matthew's

The Very Rev. Marilyn Engstrom
Dean Emerita
Marilyn Engstrom is Dean Emerita of St. Matthew's Cathedral, having served from 2002 to 2012. After earning a BA in Communications at UW, she was UW Associate Director of Admission for 12 years. Her life took a different turn with Seminary, ordination, and pastoring churches in Lusk and Gillette. Her primary roles currently are on the Altar Guild and Stewardship Committee.
She enjoys UW athletics (Go, Pokes!) and is president of the UW Symphony Association and a director of the Cathedral Home for Children Board. On a sabbatical she studied at 4 cooking schools in Spain, France, Italy, and Greece. Gathering around the table, whether for Holy Eucharist or an informal supper with family and friends brings her great joy.

The Rev. Chris E. Mottl
The Rev. Christine Elizabeth Mottl was Rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. She was also Dean of Bucks Deanery for the Diocese of Pennsylvania. Pastor Chris has served as Rector in both large and small parishes, as well as Interim Pastor for a large Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nebraska.
Christine is a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC), and served as chaplain at the All Saints Medical Center in Racine, WI and then at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, NE, a world-class transplant center. Christine is also a founding member of the board of governors and Director of Studies for Providence Theological School.

The Rev. Canon Paul E. Mottl
Associate Priest
The Rev. Paul Edward Mottl is Dean of Providence Theological School and was Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of Pennsylvania when he retired. He has served parishes in Nebraska, Long Island, upstate New York, North Dakota and Maryland, and moved to Wyoming from the Chesapeake Bay area to be near family two years ago. At first a teacher and later an information systems executive in the military aerospace industry prior to entering ordained ministry, he holds degrees in Physics and Mathematics, Religious Education, Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion. He is the author of several philosophical and theological works.
Canon Paul enjoys woodworking and is active in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (yes, even here in Wyoming.) He has held positions at the Flotilla, Division and District levels, is the COR for the local Sea Scout Ship and is particularly interested in boating safety education.