St. Alban's Chapel
Come experience peace and God’s blessings at this quiet, mountain chapel in the Snowy Range Mountains

St. Alban's Chapel is open for Summer worship at 10 AM from July through August during Summer. Contact St. Matthew’s for more information.
From I-80 in Laramie, headwest towards Centennial on Highway 130 at the Snowy Range Exit (about 30 miles). Stay on 130 approximately 7 miles past Centennial. Turn right at the Mountain Meadow’s Cabin sign onto Forest Service Road 317 and go 1 mile further. Highway 130 is plowed by Memorial Day, but is accessible in the winter by snow mobile, skis, snow shoes or hiking. Because Road 317 is traditionally not plowed, check with the Forest Service, 745-2300, for spring road conditions and accessibility.
• Sunrise Service
• Weddings
• Renewal of Vows
• Baptisms
• Funerals & Memorials
• Lectures and Concert
Mileage to St. Alban’s from:
Cheyenne 88 miles
Laramie 38 miles
Centennial 8 miles
Saratoga 41 miles
Rawlins 84 miles
Encampment 44 miles
Casper 221 miles

U.S. Forest Service Multiple Use Guidelines for St. Alban’s Chapel:
1. Keep vehicles associated with an event or ceremony within the parking area for the St. Albans Chapel. If the capacity of the parking lot is exceeded, do not have vehicles park along the road to the Little Brooklyn Ranger Station. If vehicles have to park along the road to Brooklyn Lake (National Forest System Road #317), please ensure that the Brooklyn Lake Road is not blocked.
2. Pack in and pack out all materials, supplies, equipment, trash, etc associated with an event or ceremony before sunset of the same day.
3. Comply with Special Orders and Forest Service regulations. There is a Special Order that prohibits camping and/or fires within 500 feet of the Brooklyn Lake Road. St. Alban’s Chapel is within this 500-foot corridor. Users of the Chapel may not camp or have a fire at the facility.
4. Users are discouraged from setting up a changing tent or caterer’s tent within 500 feet of the Brooklyn Lake Road.
5. Users of the St. Alban’s Chapel should not post temporary signs, balloons, markers etc. along State Highway 130, at the junction of Highway 130 and the Brooklyn Lake Road, and along the Brooklyn Lake Road. Any signs and/or roadway markers erected must be approved in advance by the District Ranger in writing.
There are NO restroom facilities at St. Albans.
Arrangements can be made to rent “Porta Potties” in Laramie.
St. Matthew’s Episcopal
Cathedral, Hunter Hall Offices Room #102
104 South 4th Street
Laramie, Wyoming 82070
Months of reservation are June, July, August and September. (Months subject to change with snow conditions.)
*Deposit, (non-refundable) required to hold reservation*